I Disappear

I disappeared, some of you may not have noticed, but I did. ‘Why?’ I hear you say…well, many reasons. The first being I rather stupidly went out and got drunk and pissed off with things. Then I had ‘a moment’ where I thought that I would just deactivate my Facebook account and see what happened. It then turned in to a ‘lets see if I can get on with life without going on Facebook for an entire week’. Which actually turned out to be pretty productive. I managed to get a lot of writing done, even in the evening, which had previously been reserved for ‘relaxing’. (read: sitting in front of the computer staring at Facebook and chatting to friends). I won’t lie, it was pretty difficult. Trying to manage band stuff without the use of Facebook pages proved fairly difficult too. That was one of the main reasons I eventually reactivated it. Interestingly, while it was deactivated, someone actually searched for my bloke by putting my name in Google. Which was very much the desired effect. The only problem with that was that there was unfortunately nothing to read. So they searched again.

I tried to write this blog then, but then one of the other reasons for my quietness came up…I moved home. As some of you will know, this is possibly one of the most time consuming and tiring things that an adult human can do. In fact I’m currently physically and mentally exhausted and I still have a lot of stuff left to move from the old place, as well as various address changes, etcetera, to sort out. While this has been going on, I have been preparing for taking up more lecturing responsibilities at work, which starts as of Monday. As part of this, I’ve given up my Supervisor role, as I simply won’t have time when teaching to fulfil those two roles. Both this transition periods have been the main reason I’ve barely managed to get any writing done the last week. This is also the first blog I’ve written in…two weeks?

Up to that point writing had been going pretty well. During my moment writing pretty much helped me escape, in fact it’s often about escapism for me. Plus the fact that I love telling stories. I’m still pretty ‘pissed off’ with things, but I love my new home and the writing thing is going well (when I have time for it). I managed to fully outline and plot my first full short story. Most of the prose is written, I just need to fill in some gaps and edit. Then I will be looking for some test readers (rather than posting it on here!) If you’re interested then please get in contact.

I also managed to get hold of a Gold ticket (which was either an extra release or put back on sale) for the Black Library weekender. As part of that, I will get to have dinner with the authors attending, which will be great for getting advice, although I am going to be incredibly nervous! I will also get to have a chat with one of their editors as well as show them one of my stories for them to give me feedback and advice on. All in all a pretty amazing opportunity which I could not resist and could not waste. I don’t know what will come of it, but it will be useful in some way, shape or form.

Tonight, I also met the great British Science Fiction author Peter F. Hamilton. He was incredibly interesting and told us a great deal about how he got started. Peter didn’t start writing till he was 26 and didn’t get published till he was 29. So I still have a few years on him yet, which as you can imagine is greatly encouraging. I also had the opportunity to ask him for any advice he had for aspiring writers, which once again was a great opportunity.

Well I hope you are all well, especially those of you searching for me.

I may not have time to write another blog for a few days, but I will try my best and once again, thanks for reading!

The Horror Goes South

So, I’m getting pretty good at this getting up earlier thing. I’m going to need to be once my day job’s working hours move an hour earlier and I may have to teach at the ungodly hour of 9.30 am (I don’t actually mind, it will be good for me). However I chose to shift my sleeping pattern around in order to do some writing in the mornings and then have more time in the day. I think I have successfully worked my transition in to a ‘morning person’, before now I was more of a ‘those-few-hours-in-the-middle-of-the-day-I-feel-like-doing-something…person’.

But I need to do some more writing. I’ve been pretty lax this week as I’ve had some other things on. I also haven’t written a blog since last week as far as I can remember. However that one at least was a story rather than my random ramblings. I’ve actually been busy sorting out my move. Yesterday I handed in the notice on my current flat, which is both exciting and scary. Exciting because I am now moving out of this flat which has caused me so many sleepless nights and moving somewhere new. Scary because the new place hasn’t actually gone through yet so unless it goes through by the time my notice runs out I may end up homeless.

So, what am I working on? Well, Games Day UK is coming up pretty soon, which I’m immensely looking forward to. Although my wallet is already silently weeping to itself in the corner. It doesn’t know what’s hit it yet! I do love Games Day, a place where like minded individuals all come together to have a day of pure geekyness about something they love. You will probably see me there running between various stands trying to catch as much new stuff as possible and take in all the atmosphere. Got to get to the Black Library, Forgeworld and I will also be checking out Fantasy Flight Games. I’m hoping to get hold of a copy of their new 40K game, Relic. I did have a few years out of going to Games Day and I really did miss it. I went again for the first time a few years ago and fell straight in to it without missing a beat. Though I don’t spend nearly as much money as I did when I was a kid. My poor parents!

Anyway I am digressing. The reason I mentioned Games Day is because, as the Black Library will be there, they have started to take submissions on the day. I am currently wondering whether to take something I have already written or begin work on a new 1000 word story to take with me specifically on the day. Any suggestions as to this will be greatly appreciated. If you really like something I’ve already written and think it’s worth submitting let me know.

I’ve also been given an opportunity of possibly having something published on Amazon. On a forum I peruse they are compiling a horror anthology and I have had my name listed as part of it. I already have a story idea; A Lovecraftian horror set on the Island of Portland in Dorset. That’s all you’re getting out of me for now. I just have to write the thing…I’ve not really written any horror before (except for Tyranid infested space ships) so I’m a little bit scared by it. I’ve done the leg work, I’ve written a plot outline, I just need to research the writing style and get to work on it. I will try and do that this week, look out for updates and wish me luck.

On Twitter the last few days I seem to have had a lot of authors follow me. I’m slightly perplexed, do they like my work? Is my writing starting to have some form of impact? If so, that’s really great, wow. Or maybe they have just seen that I have called myself an ‘aspiring-writer’ and have decided to see what I come up with. That’s also great. Perhaps they can offer me some advice? If you’re reading this, please send some twitter-esque tips my way!

Right, I really must get on with my day and some writing. This blog, amongst cooking breakfast and tidying some of the flat, has taken me the best part of an hour to finish. Ooops.


More stories soon, hopefully. Thanks for reading.



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Track of Words

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Black Fem Geekery

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Over The Rainbow Blog

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Fantasy Author

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